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LEVA Chiropractic is now Atlas Chiropractic PC!

our old website screenshot

A New Direction

We have had the original logo/name “LEVA Chiropractic” for nearly 20 years. Although I really loved the logo, the color and the style, I always thought about having a name that aligned more perfectly with the specific technique that changed my life and that has drastically changed the lives of so many of our members.

Upper cervical adjustments, specifically at the ATLAS, are often so profound that people are willing to overcome huge barriers to receive this type of care, even travelling from other states and even other countries. Yes, LEVA means “to live” in Swedish, which really captures the essence of the life-restoring adjustments. The word LEVA is quite meaningful and there is some sadness to let it go. It is making room for something that seems to fit right with the direction of our office and the meaning behind what we do.

Our New Name & Logo

Specific ATLAS chiropractic adjustments are so overwhelmingly powerful for so many that it just makes sense to completely immerse our office into a name that has such significant meaning. We are sad to see LEVA Chiropractic PC go with a bittersweet goodbye, we are venturing onto a new, next twenty years and beyond with our new name and logo!

Thank you for joining us on our journey to perfect the vitalistic chiropractic lifestyle including these all so important specific ATLAS adjustments! Thank you to all have been with us along the way, and Thanks to those of you who have been with us since 2004 and even before that! We appreciate you!


our old logo

new logo


Formerly Leva Chiropractic | (360) 438-6001